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FREE Meditation Bundle now!

The Divinely Design Your Life Starter Kit

 These meditations will begin transforming your life by having you connect to the divine within, receive guidance from your divine support squad, and embody your future every day. I created these as a way for people who struggle with meditation or for people who have trouble quieting their mind to begin their practice. Have a meditation practice already but feeling like it's gone a bit stale? This kit is the boost for you!


Morning Meditation

Start your day grounded and centered in your own divinity. This guided meditation is designed to give you a grounded, centered feeling in your own divinity as you wake and can be repeated as needed as your day goes on. It aids you in connecting with your divine support squad and in receiving guidance as you move into your day and your next aligned action. 



Walking Meditation

Often throughout the day, we fall off-center, get triggered, overwhelmed, and need realigning. This powerful, guided manifestation meditation brings you back into your body while stepping into the next-level version of ourselves using this powerful practice of bi-lateral stimulation that happens during walking to re-program our subconscious.



Evening Meditation

A relaxing guided meditation to help ease you into your heart center and a night of restful sleep. I recommend incorporating this beautiful meditation into your bedtime ritual when trying to move your bedtime earlier. It allows you to do a loving review of your day by mining the gold moments and the lessons so you can set powerfully into tomorrow with knowledge.



Set yourself up now for a monumental 2021 with my free meditation bundle

It's time to plugin to your true divine nature each day and watch how it transforms your life. Time to tap into the divine support around you on a regular basis and be guided. 

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